Rural living may reward you with a relaxing and slower paced lifestyle, but it also means taking responsibility for your own water supply. Water well drilling is one of the costs of owning a property far from the city and a municipal water source. Whether you’re a homeowner moving into the country, a farmer with agriculture demands, or a contractor just trying to help your customers build their homes in Central Illinois from Champaign to Pekin and beyond, Kickapoo Drilling Company is standing by and ready to help.
What is Involved in Drilling a New Well?
For most property owners, well drilling is a complete mystery. It’s a fairly simple process that involves sending a truck-mounted drilling rig to your property and drilling a small diameter hole to test the ground for the proper geology to move water. Then we ream that borehole open to the proper size, install casing, screens, gravel pack, and a test pump. With this, we can see what our production rates are which are usually measured in GPM or gallons per minute. Five gallons per minute is a good starting point, but the most beneficial pressure is seen at around ten to fifteen gallons per minute. A permanent well pump also sits in or at the top of the well to draw water up from the ground and send it to your home, business, or farm. Finally, a well cap is added to protect the pump and keep debris from falling into the well. The property owner doesn't even need to be present for the installation, but we always welcome you to watch the process as we drill and install the new water well.
How Can I Choose a Well Drilling Company?
Look for a company with decades of experience. Only real-world experience gives you the knowledge to understand the geology of the area, where the best depths are, and what the best formations to make water out of are. An experienced drilling company will know when you may not want to stop in the shallow formation and when the deeper formation will yield the best quality and gallons per minute. You’ll enjoy a lower overall cost when it comes time for maintenance and service. Choose Kickapoo Drilling Company for a well drilling partner you can trust for years to come.